Shiloh Garden Standards
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Debbie Euker
          Friendships Shiloh Garden
"I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:14

"Awake, O north wind; and come thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out."
Song of Solomon 4:16b
I went on a search one day for a dog that was athletic enough to endurance ride with me.  Miss Rachel's Rayeh would change our lives forever.  I had discovered such an incredible gift in her, as well as the most versatile dog you could ever have for a friend.  Thus, Shiloh Garden Standards was born. We fell fast and hard for this amazing breed and raise "ONLY" AKC Standard Poodles and do NO mixed breeding with our precious pooches!!!

Poodles have long been stereotyped as sissy dogs, ridiculous looking in their fancy haircuts, good for nothing, and not even considered a "real dog".  The many myths surrounding them are existing simply due to ignorance about the breed.  Negative sentiment against the poodle is so strong, there are shirts and even websites devoted to poking fun at them.  Many, having walked in those shoes, are now a very proud owner of a Poodle.

The poodle, an avid hunter, is the oldest known water retriever breed, going back as early as the 1500's.  The original poodle was a heavier boned version of todays standard poodle and was used for pulling carts and light herding.  We see the poodles of today competing in agility and the show ring.  Many are also being used as service dogs to the handicapped, the blind, hearing impared, as drug sniffing dogs and for the search and rescue.  They are also used in the field of science through detecting diseases such as cancer, diabetes and seizures.  These "human dogs" as they are frequently called, read us better than we do.  They have an incredible love, sensitivity and devotion for their human companion.  They are athletic, intelligent, elegant and proud and have an "air of distinction" as described in the breed standard.

My desire is to share this magnificent and majestic breed with others!  Most importantly however, in keeping with the health and genetic soundness of the breed, our dogs are carefully bred for a low inbreeding co-efficiency.  Diverse pedigrees and healthy nutrition are keys to having healthy poodles with long lives.  We breed for quality, excellence of confirmation, rich color and sound temperment.  All breeding stock have had recommended genetic testing done.  The tests inlude Penn-Hip or OFA certification for hips, Eye Cerf (Normal), DNA for VwD (Clear) and Parentage, SA (Normal) and a comprehensive Blood Panel that checks for Addisons, Thyroid and Diabetes.  All testing verification is available on request.
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds.  The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, my servant also will be.  My Father will honor the one who serves Me."
John 12:24-26
This website is dedicated to our "beloved" Miss Rachel's" Rayeh" and Friendships" Shiloh" Garden!!! 
Both gone from this life, but never forgotten. Where have the years gone...........

Shiloh Garden Standards Established in the year 2000
Steve and Debbie Euker
PO Box 852
Stevensville, MT 59870
(406) 240-9560
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole."

Roger Caras

Be sure and put your cursor over the photo's for the puppy # and picture descriptions.
Please take some time and explore our site information! We hope we have covered most issues that would answer any questions you may have and that you will find the information informative and helpful.
Shiloh Garden Standards, Shiloh, standard poodles, poodles, puppies,Montana, poodles in Montana, standard poodles in Montana, Poodles in Stevensville, standard poodles in Stevensville, NuVet Vitamins, Fastrack Products, Fastrack Gel, Fastrack Microbial, Debbie Euker, Steve Euker, red poodles, red standard poodles, red miniature poodles, apricot poodles, apricot standard poodles, apricot miniature poodles, 
Click on poodle above
 We now offer snuggle puppies, kitties , blankets, & teething toys for our puppy parents. See the puppy link for information and pictures. 
Snuggle puppies/kitties are great.... and not just for your puppies & adult dogs. They area great option for children with the heartbeat and warmer for comfort!!!  They are awesome if you have a child who doesn't go to bed easily or is afraid of the dark or just needs a buddy with a beating heart and warmth!!  They are an excellent choice for a special needs child that wants/needs someone next to them or just wants a special buddy that fits nicely in there arms. We have some great choices of several darling kitty and puppy color choices to please even the hardest to please person!!!

Our majestic Montana Sky
PLEASE NOTE WHEN ORDERING FASTBACK to call  Debbie @ (4060240-9560)
 To Order your NuVet, click on the Link above OR
to Call: 1-800-474-7044 
Use Order Code:57980
 Contact by clicking  on the mailbox


Read new updates on Pentobarbital Use in Dog foods by clicking on the link above!

*****For some excellent choices of comfortable places to stay in our area when traveling to pick up your new baby, click on Links, at the top of any of our pages on the website . Scroll down on that page to Business Products & Services and click on the links to view some wonderful options for you and your family.